FY23 Solution EXPO Package
- Community Admin - Free!
Our organizations enthusiastically invite you to participate in our joint trade show where School/Municipal Facilities Directors and School Business Administrators from across the Commonwealth will convene in one centralized location to learn from and strengthen relationships with vendors in the supplier world. School and municipal budgets are in full gear and both organizations have historically sold all of their booths, so you don't want to miss this opportunity!
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Din Jenkins
Supply the Why
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn about new opportunities, grants and programs that are happening in communities all throughout MA so we can reach our Carbon Reduction goals by leveraging free MassEnergy Insight. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
Come here updates about new opportunities, grants and programs that are happening in communities all throughout MA so we can reach our Carbon Reduction goals. Learn about leveraging MassEnergy Insight? Do you know what that is? Do you know it is a free? This session will be interactive and informative.
Joanne Bissetta
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Joanne Bissetta is the Director of the Green Communities Division at the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. She started at DOER in 2009 as a Regional Coordinator, working directly with municipal officials and volunteers on Green Communities Designation and clean energy projects, and was named Director in 2022. She possesses over two decades of local and state government experience, having worked at MassDEP, the Town of Concord, and City of Cambridge. Joanne earned a BS in communications at Emerson College and a MA in Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University. When not working, you can find her in the garden, on her bike, or tending to her backyard chickens.
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Whitney Brougher
Energy Analyst
National Grid
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Sean McGloin
Municipal Energy Efficiency Representative
National Grid
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Explore the benefits of integrating detailed, employee payroll data within school financial software through "drill down" reporting, integrated ledger and budget to actual reporting, and future budget preparation and forecasting tools. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
This session will explore the benefits of integrating detailed, employee payroll data within school financial software. Topics will include "drill down" reporting, integrated ledger and budget to actual reporting, and future budget preparation and forecasting tools.
Frank Natale
VADAR Systems, Inc.
Frank Natale is CEO of VADAR Systems, Inc. Mr. Natale has worked with town and school financial officials for the last 26+ years to create easy to use, sophisticated financial software built specifically for Massachusetts towns and school systems.
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Ted Cormier
Director of Client Services
VADAR Systems, Inc.
Ted Cormier is Director of Client Services of VADAR Systems, Inc. For more than two decades, Mr. Cormier has led the development of VADAR's financial products. He has worked with countless FD's, accountants and school business administrators to assist in UMAS/DESE chart of account migrations and DLS/DESE state reporting utilities.
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Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn how to leverage a free MHEC membership, use their contracts, and save money and time, through MHEC's e-procurement tool, i-buy. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
People will learn how to leverage their free membership in the MHEC, how to use their contracts, save money and time, and about their new FREE e-procurement tool, i-buy.

Janet Garabedian
Business Development Manager
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Christopher Raymond
Director of Contracts and Operations
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Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn how playground development can be a way to bring staff, students and families together to return unused space to students and the school community. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
While large renovation and construction are a drawn out, complex and expensive endeavor, playground development is a far more exciting way to bring staff, students and families together to return unused space to students, and the school community. Where any given school is likely surrounded by a sea of grass and asphalt, can't we reimagine that space as one where any and all students could easily spend a few active hours?

Andrew O’Leary
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
New Bedford Public Schools
Andrew has served New Bedford Public Schools as for 17 years. He has been the Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations since 2018. Prior to his current role he was Business Manager, Director of Federal & State Funded Programs and a teacher. Additionally he taught at Bristol Community College for 11 years.
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John P. LaRue
Certified Playground Safety Inspector
Since 1991, John has focused on the design of safe & accessible playgrounds. He was part of the Team contracted by the US Access Board in 2000 to develop and write the Design Guide to ADA and Play Areas. John is a recognized speaker and has presented well over 500 seminars throughout North America, addressing Character in Youth, Playground Regulations, Performance Based Surfacing Specifications and the American with Disabilities Act. He is a Registered CEU Provider with the American Society of Landscape Architects; a Certified Playground Safety a TRIAX and Rotational Penetrometer Inspector and a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn about risk, the need to be prepared without Institutionalizing your facility, and the best practices to implement to minimize loss during an incident, while still providing a warm and inviting 21st Century learning environment. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
With the unfortunate frequency of school shootings these days, school districts may become numb to keeping school security at the top of our priority list. Pamela Perini, PSP, will share her expertise with the audience, and provide a view of a number of critical Security Program points. She will explain risk, the need to be prepared without Institutionalizing your facility, and the best practices to help ensure that we are implementing strategies to minimize loss during an incident, while still providing a warm and inviting 21st Century learning environment.
Pamela Perini, PSP
Principal Security Consultant and Owner
Pamela Perini Consulting
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn the common trends at the MCAD and guidance on how to avoid being a respondent to an MCAD claim. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
Learn the latest developments in the employment discrimination arena. This training will provide critical updates on the latest developments. The interactive session will address common trends at the MCAD and will offer guidance on how to avoid being a respondent to an MCAD claim and what to expect if you become one. An understanding of the basic principles of discrimination is required.
Regina Ryan
Attorney and Founder
Discrimination andHarassment Solutions, LLC
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn about ground source heat pumps, solar energy systems, and energy storage and how they can unlock solutions for your district that will reduce operating costs, expand access to cooling, provide clean heat, and increase community resilience. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has radically changed the affordability and accessibility of clean energy solutions for municipalities. Over the next decade, the federal government is set to provide support for schools across the country to embrace ground source heat pumps, solar energy systems, and energy storage. Come learn about these new incentives and how they can unlock solutions for your district that will reduce operating costs, expand access to cooling, provide clean heat, and increase community resilience.

Sara Ross
Sara Ross is a co-founder of UndauntedK12, a nonprofit focused on supporting America’s public schools to make an equitable transition to zero carbon while preparing youth to build sustainable futures in a rapidly changing climate. Prior to her work at Undaunted, Sara founded Sungage Financial, a residential solar finance company that makes clean energy accessible to more homeowners. Sara serves on the board of the BASIC Coalition, a non-partisan coalition of civic, public sector, labor, and industry associations who support federal funding to help under-served public school districts modernize and build K-12 public school facilities.
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Tracey A. Ogden
TAO Consulting
Tracey Ogden’s expertise is groundwater development, specializing in drilling & geothermal installations throughout New England for 29 years. As a Principal at TAO Consulting, Tracey provides early design consultation, bid de-scoping, implementation, project oversight, expert witness services, peer reviews, commissioning and LEED excellence achievement. She fills the gap between the geo-technical designer/OPM and the general contractor. Her services ensure the geothermal/groundwater project achieve the intended objective and has no technical or contractual obstacles.
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Chris Pimentel
Senior Account Executive
An energy professional and Certified Energy Manager with over 16 years of experience in the energy and building infrastructure industry. Possessing both a legal and technical background, Chris combines broad-level energy resource management expertise with a detailed understanding of the related contract vehicles, business models and financial tools to help best design, finance and implement comprehensive, sustainable and cost-effective energy infrastructure projects. Chris brings a strong local presence and reputation in New England, having served as President of the NE Association of Energy Engineers, sitting on the Finance Committee, Energy Advisory and Water Management Advisory Committees of his home town of Sharon MA.
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn the terminology and types of heat pumps, their applications in K-12, best practices for installation and longevity, as well as the electrification opportunities for the near future. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
We'll discuss the terminology of Heat Pumps and the different types of Heat Pump equipment. Better understand the applications for Heat Pumps in K-12, and better understand the Electrification opportunities for the near future. Also discuss best practices for installation and what steps can lead to a school holding the longest possible warranty for their equipment.

Chris Ouellette
HVAC Business Development Manager - Northeast Region
Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn how to create and/or use preexisting cooperative or collective contracts within Chapter 30B to save time and money for your jurisdiction through group purchasing and procurement efficiencies. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
This presentation will discuss the Chapter 30B option to create and/or use preexisting cooperative or contracts to save time and money for your jurisdiction through group purchasing and procurement efficiencies.

Neil Cohen
Director of the Regulatory and Compliance Division
Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General
Neil has a master’s degree in public administration from Columbia University and holds several professional certifications including Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified Inspector General. He is also a Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (MCPPO) Neil has more than 36 years of public sector experience, including nearly 30 years with the Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General. Since 2018 he has managed the Office’s training and compliance functions. Previously, he co-managed the Office’s investigations division. Neil is also an adjunct faculty member at Clark University and UMass Lowell and is a frequent guest presenter in academia and for professional organizations. Neil also volunteers for the AARP’s Fraud Watch Network.
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Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Din Jenkins
Supply the Why
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn about new opportunities, grants and programs that are happening in communities all throughout MA so we can reach our Carbon Reduction goals by leveraging free MassEnergy Insight. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
Come here updates about new opportunities, grants and programs that are happening in communities all throughout MA so we can reach our Carbon Reduction goals. Learn about leveraging MassEnergy Insight? Do you know what that is? Do you know it is a free? This session will be interactive and informative.
Joanne Bissetta
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Joanne Bissetta is the Director of the Green Communities Division at the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. She started at DOER in 2009 as a Regional Coordinator, working directly with municipal officials and volunteers on Green Communities Designation and clean energy projects, and was named Director in 2022. She possesses over two decades of local and state government experience, having worked at MassDEP, the Town of Concord, and City of Cambridge. Joanne earned a BS in communications at Emerson College and a MA in Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University. When not working, you can find her in the garden, on her bike, or tending to her backyard chickens.
Whitney Brougher
Energy Analyst
National Grid
Sean McGloin
Municipal Energy Efficiency Representative
National Grid
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Explore the benefits of integrating detailed, employee payroll data within school financial software through "drill down" reporting, integrated ledger and budget to actual reporting, and future budget preparation and forecasting tools. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
This session will explore the benefits of integrating detailed, employee payroll data within school financial software. Topics will include "drill down" reporting, integrated ledger and budget to actual reporting, and future budget preparation and forecasting tools.
Frank Natale
VADAR Systems, Inc.
Frank Natale is CEO of VADAR Systems, Inc. Mr. Natale has worked with town and school financial officials for the last 26+ years to create easy to use, sophisticated financial software built specifically for Massachusetts towns and school systems.
Ted Cormier
Director of Client Services
VADAR Systems, Inc.
Ted Cormier is Director of Client Services of VADAR Systems, Inc. For more than two decades, Mr. Cormier has led the development of VADAR's financial products. He has worked with countless FD's, accountants and school business administrators to assist in UMAS/DESE chart of account migrations and DLS/DESE state reporting utilities.
Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn how to leverage a free MHEC membership, use their contracts, and save money and time, through MHEC's e-procurement tool, i-buy. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
People will learn how to leverage their free membership in the MHEC, how to use their contracts, save money and time, and about their new FREE e-procurement tool, i-buy.
Janet Garabedian
Business Development Manager
Christopher Raymond
Director of Contracts and Operations
Contains 6 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn how playground development can be a way to bring staff, students and families together to return unused space to students and the school community. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
While large renovation and construction are a drawn out, complex and expensive endeavor, playground development is a far more exciting way to bring staff, students and families together to return unused space to students, and the school community. Where any given school is likely surrounded by a sea of grass and asphalt, can't we reimagine that space as one where any and all students could easily spend a few active hours?
Andrew O’Leary
Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
New Bedford Public Schools
Andrew has served New Bedford Public Schools as for 17 years. He has been the Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations since 2018. Prior to his current role he was Business Manager, Director of Federal & State Funded Programs and a teacher. Additionally he taught at Bristol Community College for 11 years.
John P. LaRue
Certified Playground Safety Inspector
Since 1991, John has focused on the design of safe & accessible playgrounds. He was part of the Team contracted by the US Access Board in 2000 to develop and write the Design Guide to ADA and Play Areas. John is a recognized speaker and has presented well over 500 seminars throughout North America, addressing Character in Youth, Playground Regulations, Performance Based Surfacing Specifications and the American with Disabilities Act. He is a Registered CEU Provider with the American Society of Landscape Architects; a Certified Playground Safety a TRIAX and Rotational Penetrometer Inspector and a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn about risk, the need to be prepared without Institutionalizing your facility, and the best practices to implement to minimize loss during an incident, while still providing a warm and inviting 21st Century learning environment. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
With the unfortunate frequency of school shootings these days, school districts may become numb to keeping school security at the top of our priority list. Pamela Perini, PSP, will share her expertise with the audience, and provide a view of a number of critical Security Program points. She will explain risk, the need to be prepared without Institutionalizing your facility, and the best practices to help ensure that we are implementing strategies to minimize loss during an incident, while still providing a warm and inviting 21st Century learning environment.
Pamela Perini, PSP
Principal Security Consultant and Owner
Pamela Perini Consulting
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn the common trends at the MCAD and guidance on how to avoid being a respondent to an MCAD claim. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
Learn the latest developments in the employment discrimination arena. This training will provide critical updates on the latest developments. The interactive session will address common trends at the MCAD and will offer guidance on how to avoid being a respondent to an MCAD claim and what to expect if you become one. An understanding of the basic principles of discrimination is required.
Regina Ryan
Attorney and Founder
Discrimination andHarassment Solutions, LLC
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn about ground source heat pumps, solar energy systems, and energy storage and how they can unlock solutions for your district that will reduce operating costs, expand access to cooling, provide clean heat, and increase community resilience. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has radically changed the affordability and accessibility of clean energy solutions for municipalities. Over the next decade, the federal government is set to provide support for schools across the country to embrace ground source heat pumps, solar energy systems, and energy storage. Come learn about these new incentives and how they can unlock solutions for your district that will reduce operating costs, expand access to cooling, provide clean heat, and increase community resilience.
Sara Ross
Sara Ross is a co-founder of UndauntedK12, a nonprofit focused on supporting America’s public schools to make an equitable transition to zero carbon while preparing youth to build sustainable futures in a rapidly changing climate. Prior to her work at Undaunted, Sara founded Sungage Financial, a residential solar finance company that makes clean energy accessible to more homeowners. Sara serves on the board of the BASIC Coalition, a non-partisan coalition of civic, public sector, labor, and industry associations who support federal funding to help under-served public school districts modernize and build K-12 public school facilities.
Tracey A. Ogden
TAO Consulting
Tracey Ogden’s expertise is groundwater development, specializing in drilling & geothermal installations throughout New England for 29 years. As a Principal at TAO Consulting, Tracey provides early design consultation, bid de-scoping, implementation, project oversight, expert witness services, peer reviews, commissioning and LEED excellence achievement. She fills the gap between the geo-technical designer/OPM and the general contractor. Her services ensure the geothermal/groundwater project achieve the intended objective and has no technical or contractual obstacles.
Chris Pimentel
Senior Account Executive
An energy professional and Certified Energy Manager with over 16 years of experience in the energy and building infrastructure industry. Possessing both a legal and technical background, Chris combines broad-level energy resource management expertise with a detailed understanding of the related contract vehicles, business models and financial tools to help best design, finance and implement comprehensive, sustainable and cost-effective energy infrastructure projects. Chris brings a strong local presence and reputation in New England, having served as President of the NE Association of Energy Engineers, sitting on the Finance Committee, Energy Advisory and Water Management Advisory Committees of his home town of Sharon MA.
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn the terminology and types of heat pumps, their applications in K-12, best practices for installation and longevity, as well as the electrification opportunities for the near future. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
We'll discuss the terminology of Heat Pumps and the different types of Heat Pump equipment. Better understand the applications for Heat Pumps in K-12, and better understand the Electrification opportunities for the near future. Also discuss best practices for installation and what steps can lead to a school holding the longest possible warranty for their equipment.
Chris Ouellette
HVAC Business Development Manager - Northeast Region
Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC US
Contains 4 Component(s), Includes Credits
Learn how to create and/or use preexisting cooperative or collective contracts within Chapter 30B to save time and money for your jurisdiction through group purchasing and procurement efficiencies. Show your understanding by completing an online evaluation.
This presentation will discuss the Chapter 30B option to create and/or use preexisting cooperative or contracts to save time and money for your jurisdiction through group purchasing and procurement efficiencies.
Neil Cohen
Director of the Regulatory and Compliance Division
Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General
Neil has a master’s degree in public administration from Columbia University and holds several professional certifications including Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified Inspector General. He is also a Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official (MCPPO) Neil has more than 36 years of public sector experience, including nearly 30 years with the Massachusetts Office of the Inspector General. Since 2018 he has managed the Office’s training and compliance functions. Previously, he co-managed the Office’s investigations division. Neil is also an adjunct faculty member at Clark University and UMass Lowell and is a frequent guest presenter in academia and for professional organizations. Neil also volunteers for the AARP’s Fraud Watch Network.