Building Cohesion and Teamwork in Municipal Departments

Businesses recognize the many benefits of fostering collaboration and teamwork across departments- better products and services, reduction in redundancy, greater innovation, and improved employee morale, to name a few. Municipalities have been slower to adopt this practice but stand to benefit just as much as businesses- especially with the roll out of ARPA funding. This seminar will cover the key elements necessary to build a culture of collaboration across departments, as well as how to get your employees on-board.

Katie Gilfeather, LICSW, CEAP

Account Manager and EAP Clinician

All One Health, MIIA

Katie Gilfeather is an EAP specialist, organizational consultant, coach and trainer with over thirty- five years of experience.  Katie has extensive experience serving the needs of urban and suburban municipalities by providing crisis intervention, policy assistance, mediation, strategic planning, leadership development and employee counseling. 

Katie holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Social Work from St. Leo University and a Masters- in- Social Work with a specialization in employee assistance from Boston University. Katie joined the AllOne Health EAP, Inc. team in 2020 and serves as an Account Manager and EAP Clinician.  Prior to her joining AllOne Health EAP, she owned and operated Outlook EAP, Inc., which served businesses and municipalities throughout Southeastern Massachusetts for twenty-five years.


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Session Feedback: Building Cohesion and Teamwork
Recorded 11/15/2022
Recorded 11/15/2022
PDP Certificate: Building Cohesion and Teamwork
1.00 PDP credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDP credit  |  Certificate available