FY24 A.I. Addressing OPEB Liability in a Regional School District

Regional school districts are unique in that they have their own OPEB liability (vs. being incorporated into the municipality's liability for GASB). NRSD school committee formed an OPEB Management Advisory Committee (OMAC) that reviewed what defines OPEB, what makes up the district liability, what would changes to trust contribution mean, etc. The OMAC was comprised of school committee, town officials, fin comm members, and the school business administrator. The result was education materials to school committee and the public along with a recommendation for budget. This session will walk through how we defined problems, created goals, formed groups, and made recommendations.

Ross Mulkerin

Director of Finance and Operations

Nashoba Regional School District

Ross Mulkerin is the Director of Finance and Operations for the Nashoba Regional School District (Lancaster, Bolton, and Stow).  Prior to taking on this role in the district, Ross was the principal of The Center School (Stow) for seven years.  He has experience in other districts as a principal, special education administrator, and special educator. Ross holds a CAGS in Educational Leadership, a Master of Education in Special Education, and a Bachelor of Arts in Financial Economics.

This content will not be available until 05/16/2024 at 9:30 AM (EDT)